Thank you for choosing Albert North Veterinary Clinic. The health and safety of your pet is our top priority. We want to make every effort to ensure your pet has a positive grooming experience. Please read the following consent form carefully.
In select cases with animals that are highly stressed or anxious, it may be appropriate to consider the use of anxiety medications or light sedatives to ensure their groom is a comfortable experience for them. We will discuss these options with you in detail if necessary. Some senior pets with arthritis or joint pain may show more stiffness after being bathed and groomed. If we have concerns about the health or safety of your senior pet during grooming, we may have to alter the grooming plan or halt the groom to prioritize their comfort. We will not compromise their health or well-being for “the perfect groom”. Your pet must be in good health to proceed with a groom. Your pet must have had a physical exam within the last 12 months. If your pet is a senior, bloodwork may be required prior to your grooming appointment; this will be determined by the veterinarian.
Matted fur can be painful and can pose a threat to your pet’s health. Matts can pull on your pet’s skin causing bald spots or abrasions. If your pet’s coat is matted, our staff will remove all necessary matts with a clipper.
If any additional minor health concerns (i.e. ear infection, skin infection, fleas, etc.) are deemed advisable because it would be more economical while your pet is in clinic, we will attempt to contact you for permission to proceed at the phone number provided. If we cannot reach you at the number provided, please indicate how you would like us to proceed:
If your pet requires additional sedation or anesthesia to complete its grooming please review the following.
Your pet will be fully unconscious and monitored by the medical team while being groomed. Once our vet staff is finished, your pet will be monitored while the effects of the sedation wear off and you will be contacted when your pet is ready to go home.
Pre-Anesthetic bloods provide information on the ability of internal organs to cope with an anesthetic procedure and help identify underlying medical conditions, which may require treatment prior to anesthesia.
I hereby authorize and direct the Albert North Veterinary Clinic to provide such additional services for the patient as they deem reasonable and necessary, under emergency circumstances, including, but not limited to, the administration of emergency drugs, radiology, pathology or other diagnostic services, and hereby consent thereto. By signing below, I hereby authorize and direct the Albert North Veterinary Clinic to perform the services I have initialed above. The risks and nature of anesthetic, including death, have been explained to me and no warranty or guarantee has been made to the result or cure. I am aware my pet may need to be shaved for medical/monitoring needs.
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