Exotics Surgery Consent Form

Fluids INCLUDED - I.V. fluids provide access in the event that emergency drugs are required. They also help to maintain blood pressure and prevent dehydration, which helps your pet feel better and recover faster from the anesthetic.

Pre-Surgical Blood Panel - For full bloodwork to be done on your exotic pet these tests will need to be sent to an outside lab. If your doctor has any concerns that require bloodwork to be completed, this will be scheduled several days before your procedure so that results will be returned in time.

Pre-Anesthetic tests and intravenous fluids do NOT guarantee the absence of anesthetic complications, including death, however they may greatly reduce the risk.

Small mammals, birds and reptiles are at a much higher anesthesia risk than other pets. While your pet is sedated we will maintain a constant record of vital signs including heart rate, respiratory rate, oxygenation levels (if able, pending on body size), blood pressure (if able, pending on body size), and temperature. This helps us to detect potential anesthetic complications early and treat them before they become life threatening.

If your pet is found to be pregnant at the time of the spay please indicate how you wish to proceed by selecting an option below:

Please select one *


For Your Convenience

If any additional minor health concerns (i.e. ear infection, skin infection, fleas, etc.) are deemed advisable because it would be more economical while your pet is in clinic, we will attempt to contact you for permission to proceed at the phone number provided. If we cannot reach you at the number provided, please indicate how you would like us to proceed:

Please select one *

Optional Procedures (Additional Cost)

Would you like any additional services while your pet is at the clinic? *

Teeth Trim

Rabbits and Guinea Pigs have teeth that continue to grow throughout their lifetime. These pets may develop a malalignment of their teeth which can cause difficulty chewing, weight loss, pain and infection.

Please select one *


I hereby authorize and direct the Albert North Veterinary Clinic to provide such additional services for the patient as they deem reasonable and necessary, under emergency circumstances, including, but not limited to, the administration of emergency drugs, radiology, pathology or other diagnostic services, and hereby consent thereto.

By signing below, I hereby authorize and direct the Albert North Veterinary Clinic to perform the services I have initialed above. The risks and nature of anesthetic, including death, have been explained to me and no warranty or guarantee has been made to the result or cure. I am aware my pet may need to be shaved for medical/monitoring needs.

Medical History

Is your pet on any medications?

Do NOT withhold food or water from your exotic pet. It is very important that they continue to eat and drink normally prior to admitting into the hospital. Please bring along a small amount of your pets normal food (pellets and hay) along with some leafy greens and other veggies or fruits that they particularly like.

Please read the following carefully: Some medications that may be sent home with your pet, after their surgery, are not in child-proof containers. Medications such as Metacam for example (for pain control), are drawn up for you in individual pre-dosed syringes. These syringes are not child-proof. One alternative is to receive a full bottle of Metacam that is in a child-proof container.

Please select one *

Post-Surgical Acknowledgement

It has been explained to me that if I do not use the cone or restrict my pet's exercise as directed, it could cause the incision to open, leading to additional surgery and medications at my expense. If I have any questions I will contact the Albert North Veterinary Clinic.

Security Question *